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How do we manage flows of migrants into Europe?
How can we regulate financial markets?
How can Europe make the transition to a green economy and sustainable forms of energy?
Will reforms to welfare states foster economic growth, and if so, how do we approach these reforms?
What are the emerging patterns of intelligence sharing and law enforcement within the context of European cross-border policing?
Are European countries becoming more similar and homogenous because of the EU?
Does the EU unify us as equals or undermine democracy?
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
The unique combination of expertise within the participating Universities offers an opportunity for a challenging international Master's degree programme. It provides students with a sound academic training that prepares them for professional positions in a range of organisations:
On 8 February 2019 a live webinar about Master’s programme European Governance was organized by Utrecht University
The host and Programme Director Dr Femke van Esch and Dr Jasper Sluijs provided you with detailed information and experiences about this double degree Master's programme and studying abroad.